Jan 26, 2024

Ms. Roshni Rijal of Rupandehi did not want to stay idle at home and took multiple trainings like pickle making, boutique, computer class and tailoring training. Ultimately, she started a tailoring business at her own expense. The always eager to do something attitude helped her start the business despite lack of support from her husband and family.

Rijal’s business started as a home-based enterprise. It was registered after about 2 years of operation. During her initial phase she shares, “I first had to stitch the old clothes of the neighbors; they did not believe that I could stitch well. Gradually people started trusting my skills and started giving me new clothes as well”.

But now she has been able to win the trust of the people and business is operating pretty well. The society also praises her, now that she has earned the recognition through her work. Ms. Rijal says, “Little it maybe but my hard-earned income is much more valuable to me than any other amount received from my husband or family members.”

Entrepreneurship has helped her network with other women entrepreneurs. She is now able to understand the external business environment and how other women operate their business.

She remembers her initial days when she has absolutely no support from her family and her husband to start the business. And shared, “Unless and until a woman stays at home and does not earn for herself, she will always be looked down upon by family members and spouse. Therefore, no matter how hard the struggle, economic independence is of utmost importance to women.”

WEAN Rupandehi helped Rijal to join the ILO-FWEAN program, and made her aware about the various trainings organized as part of it. She expected that the training provided definitely will help grow, improve and strengthen her business.

She shared, “I learned that the good business planning helps to grow the business. I was happy to listen to the various stories of woman entrepreneurs and their struggle which motivated me as well. These sessions were eye opening to someone like me who has been running a small business at the local level. ”

She wished that FWEAN would support all the women who want to become an entrepreneur and are willing to do something in their life. Economic independence relieves them from their reliance on their husband and family for every penny they require. She wanted FWEAN to provide skillful training like Tailoring, Parlour, Knitting, Painting for the woman entrepreneurs who are facing a lot of domestic violence and help them overcome those problems in the future. Grateful to have received the business development training, she said, “Would like to thank for such a thoughtful session. Wish for such training in future as well for a lot of other woman entrepreneurs.” She also wished to become more confident in future days to come.