Strengthening Access to Finance for Women Entrepreneurs in Nepal
August 12, 2020 - "CIPE"
The Federation of Nepalese Entrepreneurs Nepal has prepared and implemented the project with the support from Center for International Private Enterprises (CIPE) in order to increase the financial access of women entrepreneurs and to address and relieve the problems faced by women entrepreneurs after COVID-19, which entitled “Strengthening Access to Finance for Women Entrepreneurs in Nepal”. The duration of this project was 10 months and under this project, women entrepreneurs from 13 districts chapters were directly and indirectly benefit.
The main objectives of the project was to increase the financial access of women entrepreneurs, advocate and provide information on providing unsecured loans to women entrepreneurs, help women entrepreneurs to avail unsecured loans by collaborating with banks. In addition, provide employees of loan departments of banks and financial institutions with Gender Sensitization Training and advocate in establishing at least one Women Friendly Helpdesk or Focal Person in the bank. Apart from this, the project also provided Financial Literacy Training to about 80 women entrepreneurs, which focused on problems faced, by women entrepreneurs when it comes to borrowing, financial information and literacy levels.
Activities accomplished during the project period are:
1. Before and After Surveys
2. Financial Literacy Training
3. Produce leaflet on process map and document requirements to apply for subsidized loan.
4. Roundtable meeting with banks
5. Gender Sensitization training to bank staff
6. Women entrepreneurs’ alliance groups lobby meeting with the Government
7. Symposium on opportunities for women entrepreneurship development in Nepal post covid-19 pandemic