BUZZ- Sustainable business through Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) production
August 1, 2022 - ""
The Buzz Project, in its pilot phase, was launched on August 1, 2022. This initiative is grounded in an innovative business model that addresses waste management and climate change. The Buzz Project distinguishes itself from past and existing projects of the Federation of Woman Entrepreneurs’ Associations of Nepal (FWEAN) as it was a pioneering venture aimed at exploring the potential for commercial production of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) in Nepal. The goal was to economically uplift and ensure the sustainability of a women’s group (RHs) based in Bhardeu, Southern Lalitpur. The Women’s Bank Finland funded this project, which was implemented by FCA in partnership with FWEAN at Bhardeu.

As part of this pilot project, we established a BSF Production Farm in Southern Lalitpur. Seven local residents were included as right holders in this project. With the production of BSF larvae in Nepal, our aim was to replace high-cost pellet feeds, which typically require the import of most raw materials from other countries.
BSF production is a highly beneficial green business. It aids in resolving waste management issues (specifically organic waste), contributes to climate change mitigation, and promotes a low-cost circular business model. BSF larvae are rich in crude protein, calcium, potassium, and many other nutrients. They feed exclusively on organic waste and do not foster any bacteria harmful to human health.
Over the span of eight months, the right holders (RHs) of this project have produced approximately 80-90 kilograms of BSF larvae. These have been sold to nearby farmers engaged in fish, chicken, and pheasant farming. We have received very positive feedback from our customers.