Formalizing Women Enterprises through Enhancing their Capacity and Promoting Gender Equality
June 20, 2021 - "ILO"ILO project “Formalizing Women Enterprises through Enhancing their Capacity and Promoting Gender Equality in Nepal”
With the help of ILO, project entitled “Formalizing Women Enterprises through Enhancing their Capacity and Promoting Gender Equality in Nepal” was initiated and implemented by FWEAN in seven districts of Nepal starting from 1st March 2014.This project is facilitating women entrepreneurs for building their capacity for formalizing their business, promoting gender mainstreaming and organizational health and safety awareness for sustainable economic development. This project is being implemented in Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Kaski, Chitawan, Sunsari and Morang districts of Nepal.
Since its implementation, the project has done several activities, which are:
National Round Table seminar: On the occasion of 104th International Women’s Day, Federation of Women Entrepreneurs’ Association of Nepal organized a program at The Himalayan Hotel, Lalitpur on 8th March 2014. Honorable Prime Minister, Mr. Sushil Koirala was the chief guest of the program. Chief Guest Prime Minister Koirala felicitated two women entrepreneurs from Banke and Rasuwa. On the same occasion, six point charter signed by the top political leaders was made public.
Chapter expansion initiation has been taken for the institutionalization of WEAN chapters in seven districts. Regular communication and instruction to the local field facilitator has been done for the chapter strengthening and new chapter establishment. Chapter strengthening meeting has been taken in Kathmandu on 18th
Field facilitators are motivating unregistered women entrepreneurs to register their business in all seven project districts and remarkable numbers of women entrepreneurs have registered their business under this project.
Training for strengthening capacity of women entrepreneurs for promoting their business and sensitization on gender, OSH and child labor issues are being organized in seven project districts.
Guide Book, for women entrepreneurs containing registration, legal provision, tax and gender has been prepared with the help of experts; soon it will be lunched in a formal program.