Economic Empowerment for Social Justice (EESJ)
January 1, 2020 - ""Giving continuation to the same motive, ‘Economic empowerment for social justice: supporting efforts of the women to scale up their business initiatives and combat inequality’ (EESJ) project is being implemented from 2020-2022 to develop and strengthen the socio economic status of women in 12 wards of Southern Lalitpur. EESJ is focused on increasing dignity, power and influence of women in household and community level through consolidation of achievements made in the previous two phases.
EESJ project is mainly focused on scaling up and value addition to the most successful production and market-based enterprises and linking local market actors with access to loan and capacity building for sustainability and ensure better prices for producers.
The main activities of the project through which it aims in developing women’s enterprises are:
1. Capacity development /skill based training: Need based and demand driven trainings such as, local chicken rearing, vermicomposting, ginger processing training, tomato tunnel training, kiwi farming training and exposure visit , integrated pest management training, crystal beads training, business literacy program, interaction between buyers and sellers, linkage to loan facility etc will surely help to rise the capacity and confidence of the producers and support their socio-economic development, as well as, strengthen market system promoting best value for local products.
2. Technical input support: Along with the trainings, women are supported by providing input support required to initiate their business. For example, providing small chicks, heating system and poultry feed, ginger processing machines, tunnel construction materials, seeds, as well as, support them in labeling and packaging of the products. Followed by this, the project also ensures sustainable market linkages.
3. Support in marketing and market linkages: The project supports in increasing linkage with the local market actors by conducting interaction programs and support in establishing collection center and farmer’s market for getting better prices and sustainable market. Also, an outlet has been established at Satdobato, Lalitpur where the products produced by the right holders such as handicrafts, vegetables and fruits are displayed and sold from there.
4. Business registration: Also, during the difficult situation created by COVID-19 pandemic, the budget was revised in order to support the right holders. Women were introduced to online marketing which opened them a new gateway for marketing their products.
5. Product Outlet: With an aim to support in the promotion of entrepreneurs and their products, a product Outlet has been established at Satdobato, Lalitpur where all the products produced by the women entrepreneurs from rural outskirts of southern lalitpur are showcased and sold. One can find vermin-compost, crystal beads jewelries, bamboo products, Kiwi fruit (seasonal), Ginger, vegetables (seasonal) etc in the outlet.
6. Seed distribution: Women of Southern Lalitpur are supported with seven different types of good quality seasonal vegetable seeds in an effort to help women in their business recovery as a result of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. The seed support package included vegetable seeds of cauliflower, cabbage, coriander, radish, green peas, onion and mustard green. The seed support provided on 2020 during the lockdown was found to be effective in the economic recovery of the women’s businesses and thus the similar support has been given continuation this year also.